The Cyprus Question

2014 – 21 May Joe Biden, Vice-President of the United States pays a historic visit to Cyprus. He validated the “genuine strategic partnership” between the US and Cyprus. The Vice President pointed that they are not coming to impose solutions or to pressure the two sides and that the US will offer continued assistance as long as the sides find it useful. 2018 – 26 October President Anastasiades and Turkish Cypriot leader, Mustafa Akinci announce that on 12 November 2018, crossing points at Lefka and Deryneia will be open. 2021 – 27-29 April Efforts made at the informal 5+1 meeting on Cyprus in Geneva for the resumption of negotiations lead to a deadlock due to the refusal of the Turkish Cypriot leader and Turkey to reaffirm their commitment to the agreed basis of a bi-zonal, bi-communal federation with political equality and their insistence on the equal status of the "two-states". 2021 – July The Security Council condemns the 20 July announcement by Turkish and Turkish Cypriot leaders on the further reopening of a part of the fenced-off Varosha, calling for the immediate reversal of that course of action and for the reversal of all steps taken on Varosha since October 2020. In a presidential statement the Council reiterates that any attempt to settle any part of Varosha by people other than its inhabitants is inadmissible. It expresses regret over those unilateral actions that run contrary to previous Council resolutions and statements. 2024 – 5 January The UN Secretary General appoints Maria Angela Cuellar Holguin as his Personal Envoy on Cyprus, as part of the UN-led effort to resume the negotiation process. 2024 - 14 May Ms Holguin concluds her 3rd visit to Cyprus. The Cyprus Question| A brief Introduction 56