The Cyprus Question

1963 - 30 November President Makarios submits constitutional amendments to “remove obstacles to the smooth functioning and development of the state,”which are rejected by Turkey and the Turkish Cypriot leadership. 1964 - 4 March UN Security Council adopts resolution 186 whose basic provisions have guided international actions on Cyprus ever since (good offices mission of the UN Secretary General; creation of the UN peacekeeping force in Cyprus; reaffirmation of the independence, sovereignty and existence of the Republic of Cyprus and the Cyprus Government). 1964 - March–May Arrival of UN peacekeeping force (UNFICYP) in Cyprus. 1964 - August Turkey launches air attacks on Cyprus while US President warns Ankara against invading the island. 1965 - 26 March UN Mediator Galo Plaza, in report to the Security Council, rejects Turkish position for geographical separation of Cypriot communities. 1967 - Military junta takes over in Greece. - Intercommunal clashes break out in Cyprus, and Turkey prepares to invade the island; crisis diffused after United States mediation. 1968 Start of UN-sponsored talks between the Greek and Turkish Cypriot communities. 1972 Cyprus-EEC Association Agreement. 1974 - 15 July Coup against the Government of Cyprus organised by the military junta of Greece. 1974 - 20 July Turkey launches first stage of invasion of Cyprus with massive sea and air military forces. 1974 - 20 July UN Security Council adopts resolution 353 that “demands an immediate end to foreign military intervention in the Republic of Cyprus”. The Cyprus Question| A brief Introduction 51