The Cyprus Question

According to the Court’s decision, Greek Cypriots will first have to resort to the IPC before resorting to the ECHR. The Government Spokesman stated that the judgment will be respected but that it is a negative development, pointing out that the Court cannot refer property owners to means which are essentially the product of illegality, if they want to seek restitution of their right to their property that is under military occupation by Turkey. u Cyprus v. Turkey (just satisfaction), Application No. 25781/94 European Court of Human Rights, 12 May 2014 The Government of the Republic of Cyprus welcomed the judgment by the European Court of Human Rights with regard to the claim by the Republic of Cyprus against Turkey for just satisfaction on the basis of article 41 of the European Convention on Human Rights. It notes, in particular, the reference of the Court that Turkey has not fully complied with the decision of 2001 at the Fourth Interstate Appeal of the Republic of Cyprus against Turkey, and that this compliance is not consistent with any permit, participation or complicity in any illegal sale or exploitation of Greek Cypriot properties in the occupied areas. The Government of the Republic of Cyprus also noted with particular satisfaction, the reference that the decision of the European Court of Human Rights in the case Demopoulos and Others vs Turkey does not release Turkey of its obligations for compliance with the decision of the Court on the Fourth Interstate. It welcomed the adjudication of compensation for the non-pecuniary damage suffered by the relatives of the missing persons in the amount of 30 million euro. It stressed that the efforts will continue until the effective investigation for the ascertainment of the fate of all the missing persons is completed and their identified remains are handed over. As far as the adjudication of compensation for the non-pecuniary damage suffered by the enclaved persons (in the Turkish occupied areas) in the amount of 60 million euro, and in spite of the fact that the persecution and the suffering they have endured cannot be assessed in monetary terms, the Government of Cyprus welcomed the fact that the Court condemned, in this way, one more time, the Turkish policy of the violations of the human rights of the enclaved persons as well as the effort to change the demographic character of the occupied areas. The Cyprus Question| A brief Introduction 48