The Cyprus Question

Varosha area. Turkey continues to claim the fenced area of Varosha 'as part of the TRNC', in violation of the UN Security Council resolutions calling for the return of the city to its lawful inhabitants under UN control. Since October 2020, Turkey and the illegal secessionist entity have been been implementing their plans for “opening” of the entire fenced-off area of Varosha, creating thus a new fait accompli on the ground. As President Erdogan publicly announced during his illegal visit to Cyprus on June 12, 2023, Turkey will proceed with the construction of 1192 houses in Deryneia area, an area adjacent to the fenced-off area of Varosha. Moreover, plans have been announced for the construction of a marina. Despite the repeated calls from EU and UN, Turkey and the secessionist regime continue their illegal plans for financially exploiting Varosha by opening new parts of the fenced off area, acting in full breach of relevant UNSC resolutions. These steps obviously reveal that the “opening” of the entire fenced-off area of Varosha by Turkey is only a matter of time. The stated aim of Turkey and the secessionist regime is to alter the status quo in Varosha. The continuation of this course is also a clear manifestation of Turkey’s deliberate policy to undermine the prospect of resuming negotiations and reaching a comprehensive settlement of the Cyprus problem on the basis of a bi-zonal, bi-communal federation as prescribed in the United Nations Security Council resolutions. The UN continue to hold the Government of Turkey responsible for the situation in Varosha. The UNSC, in its resolution 2723 (2024) on the renewal of UNFICYP’s mandate, emphasises that “any further unilateral action may prompt a response from the Security Council and continues to stress the need to avoid any unilateral actions that could raise tensions on the island and undermine the prospects for a peaceful settlement”. Furthermore, the Security Council, reiterates its firm position regarding the status of the fenced-off area of Varosha, in accordance with the relevant resolutions and its Presidential Statement (A/PRST/2021/13) and calls for the immediate reversal of any action which is not in accordance with these resolutions. The Cyprus Question| A brief Introduction 36