Neighborhood Police Officer-A Good Friend to Have

Therefore, as from today, I want you to consider me your friend. Whenever you need me do not hesitate to call me. I will immediately help you, listen to you and advise you. And remember that whatever we say is always between us. So, let’s begin our tour. First of all, we will learn simple but important things that we may think we know but sometimes forget. • How to cross the road safely • How to ride our bikes • How to use the internet correctly to protect ourselves • How to protect ourselves from strangers. Hello everyone! I am very glad to be here with all of you. For those of you who don't know me, let me introduce myself. I am Artemis, your Neighborhood Police Officer and today we will take a long walk through the streets of our neighborhood. So, get in my car and let’s set off to get to know the place where we live, go to school and spend our time. We will also learn about many other important things. What I want you to know is that all police officers are your friends. They are here to protect you and as well as all citizens. We make sure that you are safe and we arrest only those who break the law and are dangerous. WE NEVER ARREST SMALL CHILDREN.