20 χρόνια Κύπρος – ΕΕ | 20 years Cyprus – EU | 20 yıl Kıbrıs – AB

8 20 χρόνια Κύπρος – ΕΕ Message of the President of the Republic of Cyprus, on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the accession of Cyprus to the EU This year marks twenty years since the accession of the Republic of Cyprus to the European Union (EU). Twenty years since our accession to the great European edifice, our common European home, as a full, integral and equal member of «the most significant collective achievement of mankind in the Old Continent since Enlightenment», as I have repeatedly stated in the past. Twenty years since the greatest success of the Republic of Cyprus since its establishment in 1960. Cyprus’ bonds with Europe are deep-rooted in the collective subconscious and demeanour of our people. The fundamental European principles and values, constitute the main characteristic features amongst us, the nearly four hundred and fifty million citizens of the Union, despite our diversity and dissimilarities. Equal opportunities and equal representation, freedom of will, of speech and of expression, separation of powers as well as the constant endeavour for the protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms, are enshrined in our democracies. All these characteristics determine the political and social culture of our countries as well as our identity as European citizens. I firmly believe that strength in unity should be our core guide when it comes to decision-making by our national governments and the EU institutions. The recent crises and the multiple challenges we have faced and continue to face, require the unconditional unity of the twenty-seven member-states of the EU; a unity that we must protect at all costs, inviolably and coherently. There is no doubt that much more remains to be done in order to achieve a more substantial integration of the European Union and to address phenomena such as euroscepticism and populism, by bringing to light the significant and positive impact of the Union on our lives. Our homeland clearly advocates for a more unified Europe, with a stronger role and voice in international developments, more strategically autonomous, more competitive, with a leading role and effect in our daily lives. Twenty years since our accession to the great European family, we have the opportunity to reflect on how much we have achieved as a member-state, how much the EU has offered to us, and how much the Republic of Cyprus and we, as European citizens, have contributed to the achievement of an ever-closer Union. It is also important to reflect on how Cyprus’ position, a country divided by the illegal Turkish occupation, has been strengthened, by being a member of the European Union. Twenty years later, we have the obligation to determine our next steps as European citizens, with the clear objective of an even more substantial contribution of the Republic of Cyprus in the decision-making institutions for the elaboration and promotion of a clear European vision, truly worthy of the high expectations of European citizens. Twenty years since our accession, it is evident that a strong European Union means a strong Cyprus, and this is what I always have in mind whilst working towards the promotion of the interests of both our country and of our children. Nikos Christodoulides President of the Republic of Cyprus