50 years since the Turkish invasion - CYPRUS, still occupied, still divided

,Q -XO\ 7XUNH\ LQYDGHG WKH 5HSXEOLF RI &\SUXV LQ YLRODWLRQ RI WKH 81 &KDUWHU and the fundamental principles of international law. Beyond the immense human VXΊHULQJ DQG WKH JUHDW PDWHULDO ORVVHV WKH GLUH FRQVHTXHQFHV RI WKH LQYDVLRQ DQG subsequent illegal military occupation by Turkey are still felt today: Ȏ )RU FRQVHFXWLYH \HDUV &\SUXV DQG LWV SHRSOH UHPDLQ IRUFLEO\ DQG DUWL΋FLDOO\ GLYLGHG • Over 36% of the sovereign territory of the Republic of Cyprus is still under illegal military occupation by Turkey, with the presence of dozens of thousands of heavily armed Turkish troops rendering the occupied area of Cyprus one of the most densely militarised DUHDV LQ WKH ZRUOG • 200 000 Greek Cypriots, over a third of the 1974 total population, who were forcibly expelled from the northern part of Cyprus, where they constituted about 70% of the population, are still deprived of the right to UHWXUQ WR WKHLU KRPHV DQG SURSHUWLHV • More than 750 persons, civilians and soldiers, are still missing, while the Turkish side refuses WR FRRSHUDWH IXOO\ LQ DVFHUWDLQLQJ WKHLU IDWH • Less than 400 Greek Cypriots and Maronites, out of 20 000 at the end of August 1974, remain enclaved in their still-occupied villages, living XQGHU FRQGLWLRQV RI RSSUHVVLRQ DQG GHSULYDWLRQ 1974 – 2024 CYPRUS still occupied still divided years since the Turkish invasion 50 ,Q -XO\ 7XUNH\ LQYDGHG WKH 5HSXEOLF RI &\SUXV LQ YLRODWLRQ RI WKH 81 &KDUWHU and the fundamental principles of international law. Beyond the immense human VXΊHULQJ DQG WKH JUHDW PDWHULDO ORVVHV WKH GLUH FRQVHTXHQFHV RI WKH LQYDVLRQ DQG subsequent illegal military occupation by Turkey are still felt today: Ȏ )RU FRQVHFXWLYH \HDUV &\SUXV DQG LWV SHRSOH UHPDLQ IRUFLEO\ DQG DUWL΋FLDOO\ GLYLGHG • Over 36% of the sovereign territory of the Republic of Cyprus is still under illegal military occupation by Turkey, with the presence of dozens of thousands of heavily armed Turkish troops rendering the occupied area of Cyprus one of the most densely militarised DUHDV LQ WKH ZRUOG • 200 000 Greek Cypriots, over a third of the 1974 total population, who were forcibly expelled from the northern part of Cyprus, where they constituted about 70% of the population, are still deprived of the right to UHWXUQ WR WKHLU KRPHV DQG SURSHUWLHV • More than 750 persons, civilians and soldiers, are still missing, while the Turkish side refuses WR FRRSHUDWH IXOO\ LQ DVFHUWDLQLQJ WKHLU IDWH • Less than 400 Greek Cypriots and Maronites, out of 20 000 at the end of August 1974, remain enclaved in their still-occupied villages, living XQGHU FRQGLWLRQV RI RSSUHVVLRQ DQG GHSULYDWLRQ 1974 – 2024 still occupied still divided years since the Turkish invasion