Cyprus Energy Regulatory Authority Annual Report 2021

96 Cyprus Energy Regulatory Authority We observe in the above Figures that in 2021, the electricity tariffs of all categories had an upward trend compared to the previous years of the regulatory period 2017 - 2021. The increase in the average tariffs in 2021 is due to the increase in the cost of fuel in electricity generation, due to the global increase in the cost of fuel, but also due to the increase in the cost of purchasing greenhouse gas emission allowances. Bill Analysis of EAC Supply Figure 39 shows the analysis of the electricity bill per charge category, for a typical household consumer with bi-monthly consumption of 600kWh in December 2021, at the basic price (i.e., the basic fuel price €300/Metric Ton). Figure 39 - Analysis of electricity bill for a typical household consumer with bi-monthly consumption of 600 kWh (% on the final bill), December 2021 Risk-Preparedness Plan Regulation 2019/941 on risk-preparedness in the electricity sector lays down rules for cooperation between Member States with a view to preventing, preparing for and managing electricity crises in a spirit of solidarity and transparency and in full regard for the requirements of a competitive internal market for electricity. Further to Council of Ministers Decision No. 88,943, CERA was appointed the competent authority for the implementation of the provisions of Regulation 2019/941. Pursuant to Regulation (EU) 2019/941, the competent authority shall identify the most relevant national electricity crisis scenarios in accordance with the regional electricity scenarios that have been determined by the European Network of Transmission System Operators for Electricity (ENTSO-E). In identifying the national electricity crisis scenarios, the competent authority shall consult the transmission system operators, the distribution system operators that the competent authority considers to be relevant, the relevant producers or their trade bodies, and the regulatory authority where it is not the competent authority. Then, on the basis of the national electricity crisis scenarios identified, the competent authority of each Member State shall establish a risk-preparedness plan, after consulting distribution system operators Energy charge 72.9% Fixed Charges 3.4% VAT 15.7% RES & ES Fee 1.8% Network charges 6% PSO 0.2%