Cyprus Energy Regulatory Authority Annual Report 2021

66 Cyprus Energy Regulatory Authority reliability and uninterrupted supply of energy. • addressing the lack of network security and reliability policies that are adapted to real network data, in the context of active monitoring of future smart networks at an operational level. • continuous and smart monitoring of the internet infrastructure to prevent unauthorized access or sabotage. In 2021, CERA was an active participant in all the consortium meetings of the LIGHTSENSE project. Modernizing the distribution grid for enabling high penetration of photovoltaic electricity through Advanced data analytic operational observability and management (ELECTRA) The ELECTRA project is part of the RESTART 2016-2020 programs of the Research and Innovation Foundation for Research, Technological Development and Innovation. Solar energy is vital for the future energy mix of Cyprus and in order to enable a larger scale development and to increase the competitiveness of photovoltaic technology (technical and economical), it is important to ensure, above all, their optimal integration into the network. This is in line with the objectives of this call for smart development, S3Cy, Priority Area 2. Energy, focus area: 2.4.3 Energy transmission and distribution networks. This is the background under which this project was launched for the creation of a strong research network, which will actively participate in the goal of applied research and specifically ensure the optimal integration of photovoltaic systems in the distribution network, securing high levels of penetration through the active participation of all the key components of the quadruple propeller (research, companies, end-user representatives, policy makers). The integrated project is a project of large-scale and multidisciplinary collaboration that primarily addresses the timely challenge of reducing carbon in a holistic approach, allowing higher shares of photovoltaic systems in the distribution network. Coordinated and integrated project activities for the development and validation of an innovative adaptive multi-service distribution management architecture that enables the efficient, resilient and secure operation of future distribution systems with high distributed energy penetration. Finally, the proposed project will try to enhance the research activities for the actual release of the real potential of photovoltaic systems and their high penetration into the energy mix. In 2021, CERA was an active participant in all the consortium meetings of the ELECTRA project. Transmission Cost Benchmarking project 2021 (TCB21) TCB21, is a cost benchmarking project that is performed by CEER and its consultant Sumiscid and its main objective is the performance of a stable and regular process for performance assessment of energy transmission system operators (TSOs). The project covers both electricity and natural gas transmission and involves in total 46 TSOs from 16 countries in Europe. The project is extremely ambitious in an effort to mobilize national regulatory authorities, TSOs in a joint effort to develop robust and comprehensive data and models. During the course of the project, TSOs are requested to provide all the data pertaining to their capital flows and costs for assets, which the Regulatory Authorities will later assess. The first cost benchmarking project was performed in 2018 (TCB18), while the project is performed every three years.