Cyprus Energy Regulatory Authority Annual Report 2021

61 Annual Report 2021 The Energy Community consists of nine Contracting Parties (Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Kosovo, Northern Macedonia, Georgia, Moldova, Montenegro, Serbia and Ukraine), three Observers (Armenia, Norway and Turkey) and nineteen Participating EU Member States. Energy Community Regulatory Board (ECRB) The Energy Community Regulatory Board (ECRB) ( is the coordination platform for the exchange of knowledge and the development of best practices for the regulated electricity and natural gas markets in the Energy Community. The mission of ECRB is to facilitate the development of competitive and integrated electricity and natural gas markets for the benefit of the Energy Community, the businesses and the citizens. According to the Treaty, the Regulatory Board: • advises the Council of Ministers or the Permanent High Level Group on the details of legal, technical and regulatory rules, • issues recommendations on cross-border disputes between two or more regulatory authorities, at the request of any of them, • takes measures, if authorized accordingly by the Council of Ministers, • adopts Procedural Acts. ECRB is composed of representatives of the regulatory authorities of the eight Contracting Parties (Albania (ERE), Bosnia-Herzegovina (SERC), Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (ERC), Montenegro (REGAGEN), Serbia (AERS), Moldavia (ANRE), Ukraine (NEURC) and Kosovo (ERO)). ECRB, also, includes ten representatives of non-voting regulators, the so-called Participants (Austria (E-Control), Bulgaria (SEWRC), Croatia (HERA), Cyprus (CERA), Germany (BNetzA), Greece (RAE), Hungary (MEKH), Italy (AEEGSI), Romania (ANRE) and one representative of ACER). In addition, the observer status has been assigned to two regulatory authorities (Georgia (GNERC) and Turkey (EMRA)). European Commission Forum The European Commission established in 1998 the European Electricity Regulatory Forum (Florence Forum) in order to create a common electricity market within the EU internal market. One year later, the European Natural Gas Regulatory Forum (Madrid Forum), equivalent of the Florence Forum for the natural gas sector, was established. The European Regulatory Forums are convened once or twice a year with the participation of the Commission, the Member States, the members of the European Parliament, representatives of energy regulators and transmission system operators, representatives of organizations of traders, consumers, transmission system users and organized energy markets and have now become informal Community advisory bodies and areas for highlighting internal market problems and promoting solutions to them. The European Regulatory Forums in Florence and Madrid were the basis for the establishment of the European Energy Forum of Citizens (London Forum), which provides support to the consumers for energy market problems and seeks solutions. They were also the basis for the establishment of the European Sustainable Energy Regulatory Forum (Bucharest Forum), which deals with the promotion of sustainable energy. CERA regularly attends the European Energy Forums and participates in them. In October 2020, CERA participated in the 34th European Natural Gas Regulatory Forum, which was held online.