Cyprus Energy Regulatory Authority Annual Report 2021

54 Cyprus Energy Regulatory Authority Working Group on the implementation of the Regulation on wholesale energy market integrity and transparency (ACER REMIT Committee - ARC) The main objective of ARC is to facilitate the discussion among REMIT experts to provide support to the ACER Director regarding the following key responsibilities of ACER within REMIT: • promote a framework for cooperation between ACER and regulatory authorities on market monitoring issues, • provide technical information for ACER's data collection and data sharing, • provide a forum where ACER and the regulatory authorities can exchange opinions, allowing regulatory authorities to perform their duties under REMIT in a coordinated and consistent manner, • promotion of a common culture regarding the monitoring of the market integrity and research, • develop collaborations with international surveillance agencies. The Working Group is divided into the following Task Forces: • REMIT Policy Task Force (RP TF) - Provides guidance to the National Regulatory Authorities (NRAs) on the application of REMIT policies and monitors the NRAs' progress. • Market Monitoring Standing Committee (MM SC) - Provides a forum to debate the application of REMIT to specific market abuse cases, on the surveillance of wholesale energy markets and the coordination on REMIT cases. • Market Data Standing Committee (MD SC) - Focuses on the analysis of REMIT data collected via the data reporting process and the improvement of data quality. • REMIT Information Security Implementation Group (RISIG) - The purpose of the meetings is to provide support, advice and coordination on the definition and implementation of ACER's REMIT information security policy. • ARIS NRA User Group (ANUG) - Provides support to the end users of ACER's REMIT Information System (ARIS). In 2021, CERA participated in the 5th ARC meeting, the 15th and 19th RP TF meeting, the 25th RISIG meeting and the 5th MD SC meeting. ACER Electricity Working Group (AEWG) The Working Group focuses on issues related to the full implementation of the Network Codes and Guidelines developed since 2011 (which form the basis for the Internal Electricity Market) as well as the efficient and safe integration of RES generation. The AEWG carries out the activities assigned to them in ACER's programming document and any activities assigned to them by the Board of Regulators (BoR) and the Director. In addition, prior to the submission of draft opinions, recommendations and decisions requiring a favourable opinion of the Board of Regulators, the Director submits proposals for draft opinions, recommendations or decisions to the Electricity Working Group for consultation. To better support the market integration process, the Electricity Working Group is divided into the following Task Forces: • System Operation and Grid Connection Task Force: develops, implements and monitors the grid connection and system operation rules for full harmonization at European level.