Cyprus Energy Regulatory Authority Annual Report 2021

5 Annual Report 2021 4. ELECTRICITY MARKET Introduction Measure of Market Concentration - Herfindahl - Hirschman Index Granting of a License, General License, and Exemption Electricity supply license to final customers License for the construction and operation of power production plants for commercial use License for the construction and operation of power plants for self-consumption Exemption from a power production plant construction and operation license for commercial use Exemption from Licenses for the construction and operation of self-consumption power production plants Electricity Generation Data during 2021 Environmental Indicators in relation to total annual conventional electricity generation Approved Maximum Total Capacity (MW) and Total Generated Electricity (GWh) Forecast for the decade 2021 - 2030 Adequacy of Electricity Supply Electricity prices 5. NATURAL GAS MARKET Legislative framework for the Natural Gas Market Organization and development of the natural gas market Applications submitted to CERA Tender Procedures 6. PROTECTION OF CONSUMERS AND RESOLUTION OF COMPLAINTS Protection of Consumers and Resolution of Complaints Performance Indicators Complaints submitted to CERA 7. REPORT AND FINANCIAL STATEMENTS OF CERA 68 68 68 72 73 74 77 77 77 81 84 86 87 88 98 98 99 100 101 102 102 102 106 107