Cyprus Energy Regulatory Authority Annual Report 2021

42 Cyprus Energy Regulatory Authority in-front-of-the-meter electricity storage facilities in the wholesale electricity market, CERA proceeded to the purchase of consulting services regarding the assessment of the needs of the Cypriot electricity system based on the regulatory framework for the operation of in-front-of-the-meter electricity storage facilities in the Wholesale Electricity Market. The study was undertaken by the company Phazor IKE. With this Tender and the national plan of penetration of RES in mind, system-level simulations of future developments were performed, in order to evaluate how storage contributes to the management of RES production and the operating cost of the system and on the basis of the provisions of the regulatory framework. To achieve the above, the in-front-of-the-meter electricity storage facilities that belong to known and commercially mature technologies, such as Pumped-Hydro and Li-ion Batteries, in accordance with the above description, were thoroughly evaluated. This analysis used the cost-optimal approach with an MILP optimization model to prepare and solve daily planning, which took into account the main technical constraints of the system and the techno-economic characteristics of all production and storage units (variable production costs, system reserve needs and supply capacities of the units per reserve category, load limits and rate of ascent/ descent of the units, operating and holding times, etc.). The simulations had an annual duration with an hourly rate and generated as output the electricity production of all system components, including the RES and storage units considered in each scenario. Based on the above, an estimate was also made of the total operating costs of the whole system, based on the objective production costs of its components (reference year 2030). From the specific estimates, the following were analyzed: • Energy generation of individual stations and cuts in RES production. • Coverage of the reserve requirements by the individual production components. • The system's annual variable production cost. • Assessment of the contribution of storage to the adequacy of system's capacity. • Comparative evaluation of alternative technologies and dimensioning of storage stations, taking into account energy targets for RES penetration and the cost of production of the system. • Proposal for the appropriate size and storage characteristics for the Cypriot system during the reference year. This tender was closed in March 2021. Tender No. 4/2021 "Quantitative analysis of the Storage Support Mechanism in the Cypriot System". Having regard to the results of Tender 10/2020 and the importance of the integration of storage stations in the system, CERA purchased consulting services regarding the quantitative analysis of the Storage Support Mechanism in the Cypriot System. The study was undertaken by the company Phazor IKE. This tender estimated the funding gap/missing money of the storage projects, which needs to be covered by a support mechanism, and this amount, the budget of the scheme, and the amount of funding was determined. At the same time, the study provided an overview of the effects of storage deployment and level of energy market prices and balancing, as well as the expected revenues of other participants, such as RES plants that are not included in support schemes. It then dealt with the basic principles of