Cyprus Energy Regulatory Authority Annual Report 2021

33 Annual Report 2021 ology which is consistent with the new TSRs needs to be in force, CERA published a Draft Regulatory Decision entitled "Statement of Regulatory Practice and Electricity Tariffs Methodology". Moreover, CERA called on all license applicants and/or other interested parties to submit their written comments, objections and/or presentation within 60 days of the Draft Regulatory Decision being published in the Official Gazette of the Republic of Cyprus. Decision 43/2021 - Changes to the Transitory Regulations of the Electricity Market - Version 1.6 By Decision 43/2021, CERA approved changes to the Transitory Regulations of the Electricity Market Version 1.5 and the issue of the Transitory Regulations of the Electricity Market, Version 1.6. Decision 48/2021 - Calculation Methodology of the Preventive Increase of the Guarantee Coverage of Producers and RES Producers By Decision 48/2021, CERA approved the Calculation Methodology of the Preventive Increase of the Guarantee Coverage of Producers and RES Producers, which TSOC decided to post to its website. Decision 73/2021 - Guidelines on conducting an estimate of natural gas demand in the Natural Gas Transmission System by the Natural Gas Transmission System Operator and the conclusion of interconnection agreements By Decision 73/2021, dated 26 February 2021, CERA issued the Guidelines on conducting an estimate of natural gas demand in the Natural Gas Transmission System by the Natural Gas Transmission System Operator and the Conclusion of Interconnection Agreements. Decision 74/2021 - Guidelines on preparing the Natural Gas Transmission System development plan By Decision 74/2021, dated 26 February 2021, CERA issued the guidelines on preparing the Natural Gas Transmission System development plan, which is prepared by the Transmission System Operator and concerns the next ten (10) years. Decision 82/2021 - Draft regarding the Regulations Regulating the Natural Gas Market (Natural Gas Quality Requirements) By Decision 82/2021, dated 05 March 2021, CERA prepared the draft regarding the Regulations Regulating the Natural Gas Market (Natural Gas Quality Requirements) and decided to open the decision to public consultation. Decision 87/2021 – CERA Code of Public Governance By Decision 87/2021, CERA adopted the Principles of the Code of Public Governance as these have been approved by the Council of Ministers with Decision No. 87,869 and approved the Implementation Guide of the CERA Principles of the Code of Public Governance.