Blood sugar control-Diary 2024

6 You shouldn’t feel deprived of food choices once you have diabetes. It is a misconception, that people with diabetes need to have a very different diet and one without any sugar. The same amount of carbohydrates from a starch or sugar raises blood glucose levels the same. You want to be consistent and eat about the same amount of carbohydrates and calories every day. This helps control your blood sugar and your weight. Consistency with your meals is key because your body responds to excess fat and calories with an undesirable spike in glucose. This is why testing after meals is very important, to get an understanding about which foods and meals are causing unacceptable spikes and to modify your behaviour based on your results. A diabetic meal plan is in fact the same one that everyone should have so as to look and feel their healthiest. Generally speaking, you want to emphasize vegetables, fruits and whole grains, and avoid too much saturated fat. A high fibre diet is beneficial. Your dietician will help you with your meal plan. Vivie Traynor MSc (Diabetes), BSc (Education), RN DSN Dr. Georgos Olympios, Larnaca Hospital Diabetes Centre Bibliography American Diabetes Association. Standards of Medical Care in Diabetes. Diabetes Care 2016, Vol.39/Supplement 1