Blood sugar control-Diary 2024

Testing around meals: Food has an immediate and direct impact on blood glucose, so it is an important activity to have regular testing around it. You may include tests every day before and after meals. Fasting glucose: Testing before you have eaten for the day will help you understand whether the medication you are taking is controlling your blood glucose overnight. Pre-meal glucose: Testing before meals can help guide decisions about food tablets/insulin for the coming meal. If your glucose levels have been too high, this can be the extra incentive to eat healthier foods and to know which foods you need to avoid. After-meal glucose (also called “post-prandial”): Testing after meals tells you how your meal affected your blood glucose, and whether your body had the right amount of insulin to cover the food you have eaten. This is the test that helps you learn the most about your food choices. As you are beginning to learn about BEFORE 2 HOURS AFTER BEFORE 2 HOURS AFTER BEFORE 2 HOURS AFTER Sun BEFORE 2 HOURS AFTER BEFORE 2 HOURS AFTER BEFORE 2 HOURS AFTER Sun 4 BLOOD SUGAR DATE BREAKFAST LUNCH DINNER BLOOD SUGAR DATE BREAKFAST LUNCH DINNER