Gastronomy in Cyprus

35 Α feast of flavour Tsamarella – Apohtin Traditional meze dishes made from goat meat, with a strong salty taste. History: Initially, these products were produced at the villages of Marathasa and Pafos for the purposes of meat preservation practiced in Cyprus from the very old days. The persistent use of these methods through the centuries has ensured their survival to this day. These meat preservation methods are now part of our cultural and folk heritage. Today, Tsamarella is also produced in the Pitsilia region. Tsamarella is registered as“Presidium”by the Slow Food Foundation. Production method: Tsamarella: Goat meat from the round and fore-shank is mainly used (bone removed). The meat is cut into big pieces, which are bladed with a knife and salted. The salted meat pieces are pressed and left overnight to absorb the salt water. The following day, they are placed in the sun to dry for 5–10 days (depending on theweather). The pieces are daily turned and moved as required to be“cooked”evenly. Tsamarella is then immersed in hot water several times for 2–3 minutes. Sprinkled with oregano, it is again placed under the sun for one more day. Apohtin: Its productionmethod is similar to Tsamarella’s, however meat with the bone-in is used. Sometimes, the entire animal (except from the head) is used, opened in the middle, the intestines and fat removed. Gastronomy: Meze dishes of excellent taste, especially when served with Zivania.