Traditional spoon sweets and jams

38 A feast of flavour Grapefruit Method l Wash the grapefruits, wipe and zest gently with a fine grater. l Tomake peel slices: Slice through the peel of the fruit in quarters and remove peel in 4 equally-sized pieces. Remove any thick fibres from the inside of the peels. If their rind is too thick, part of the white flesh of the rind may also be removed. l Roll the peels or simply fold themand use a thick needle to thread them through a thick white string. Twist the first and last roll on each thread 2-3 times into a curl to hold on the string. l Bring to boil and continue boiling for 5 minutes and then, replace thewater with coldwater. On the same day change thewater two or threemore times without boiling again. The next day repeat the same process. l On the second and third day repeat the same process, first by changing the water with boiling water and then with cold water two more times during the day. Ingredients 25 grapefruit peel slices (seeMethod) 1 kg sugar 1 glass of water 1 tbsp of lemon juice