Traditional spoon sweets and jams

32 A feast of flavour Apricot Method l Wash the apricots and pit them carefully pushing in a needle from the stem towards the other end without opening the fruit too much. Thinly peel. l Dissolve the pickling lime in two litres of water (about 10 glasses) and immerse the apricots for 3 hours. Remove and rinse them thoroughly. l Put water in a pot, bring to boil and immerse the apricots, few at a time. When they rise from the bottom of the pan to the surface, remove and immerse them in cold water with 50 ml of lemon juice (lemonade) and leave them for 2 hours. l Strain and place them in a baking tray or an uncovered pot, the one next to the other (one layer only). Sprinkle with sugar and add ½ glass of water and leave them for 2-3 hours to release their juices. l Boil the apricots over lowheat to help dissolve the sugar and then increase temperature and continue boiling for 5 minutes. l The next day re-boil the preserve to set completely. Just before reaching setting point, add the geranium leaves, vanilla and 1 tablespoon of lemon juice. l Fill the jars, close and turn them upside down to remove the air from inside the jars and seal. Ingredients 1 kg apricots (not very ripe) ¾ kg sugar ½ glass of water ½ glass of pickling lime 50 ml lemon juice (for the lemonade) geranium leaves or vanilla 1 tbsp lemon juice