Traditional spoon sweets and jams

Seville orange 39 Pummelo 39 Orange peel (rolled) 40 Tomato 42 Seville orange blossom 43 Olives 44 Kumquat 46 Prickly pear 47 Almond 48 Jams 51 Jams and how to ensure recipe success 52 Testing jam setting point 53 Jar sterilisation, sealing and storing 53 Recipes 55 Citrus fruit (method a) 56 Citrus fruit (method b) 57 Orange 58 Kumquat 60 Apricot 62 Strawberry 64 Fig 66 Kiwi 68 Mediterranean Medlar 69 Plum 70 Preface 3 Spoon sweets 7 Spoon sweets and how to ensure recipe success 8 Tips for recipe success 9 Jar sterilisation, sealing and storing 10 Small problems and how we address them 11 Recipes 13 Cherry 14 Walnut 16 Apple 18 Quince 20 Baby eggplant 22 Rose 24 Watermelon 26 Dates 27 Seville orange (green) 28 Lemon (green) 28 Strawberry 30 Apricot 32 Fig 34 Pumpkin 36 Carrot 37 Grapefruit 38 Bergamot 39 Contents