Labels of Taste

9 LABELS OF TASTE Any producer or group of producers may apply to have the name of their product protected under EU law. If the application is approved by the competent national authority and, subsequently, by the European Commission, the product’s name will be legally protected. This means that no other producer will have the right to market their product using the same name, unless they comply with the specific production conditions agreed with the EU, as far as PDO and PGI products are concerned. On the other hand, TSG labeling allows a high quality product to stand out from others, thus increasing its market value. Registration is voluntary; the producers themselves decide if they want to apply and choose the quality scheme under which they wish to register their product based on its characteristics. The process from submitting the application to obtaining a European quality logo can take several years. But it’s worth it! Thanks to this recognition and protection system, European farmers can turn to forms of integrated rural development through the diversification of agricultural production. Producers, particularly those in remote regions, are enabled to promote their products with special characteristics and European consumers can more easily recognize them and be confident of the quality of what they put on their table. What happens, though, in the rest of the world? Products such as Feta (PDO) are often imitated. For this reason, the EU’s product names protection is not exhausted within EU territory, but also extends internationally. Besides, the quality schemes are also open to non-European producers. This protects the authenticity and ensures the recognition of quality products throughout the world. WHY are they IMPORTANT? EACH PDO, PGI OR TSG LABEL ON A PRODUCT TELLS A STORY ABOUT MAN’S BOND WITH NATURE. EUROPEAN QUALITY SCHEMES FOR AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS AND FOODSTUFFS ARE PART OF THE EU’S WIDER INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS POLICY.