Latins of Cyprus_EN

THE LATINS OF CYPRUS 30 CHRONOLOGY 1126 The first recorded appearance of Latins (Roman Catholics) in Cyprus. 1192-1489 Frankish Era.Thousands of secular and cleric Roman Catholics settle on the island, which becomes an independent kingdom under the Lusignan dynasty. 1489-1570 Venetian Era. Cyprus becomes a colony of the Republic of Venice. 1570-1571 Conquest of Cyprus by the Ottomans. The Latin Church is abolished and the Latins are exiled or they become Orthodox, Muslims or Linobambaki. 1593 The Franciscan Brothers return to Cyprus and build various establishments. 1627 The Capuchin Brothers arrive in Cyprus and build various establishments. They depart from the island in 1791. 1646 The Franciscan Brothers establish theTerra Santa School inNicosia. It is re-named intoTerra Santa College in 1947. It moves to its current location in 1955; it is inaugurated on 20 November 1955 by the Custos of the Holy Land, Fr. Giacinto Faccio. 1844 The Sisters of Saint Joseph of the Apparition settle in Cyprus and establish the namesake convent and school in Larnaka. 1848 The present church of Our Lady of Graces and Saint Joseph’s Convent and School in Larnaka are inaugurated.The church is re-consecrated on 9 July 2006 by the Custos of the Holy Land, Fr. Pierbattista Pizzaballa. 25 November 1879 Saint Catherine’s church in Limassol is inaugurated. It is re-consecrated on 15 November 1981 by the Custos of the Holy Land, Fr. Ignazio Mancini. 1884 The Sisters of Saint Joseph of the Apparition establish the namesake convent and school in Nicosia. 16 February 1902 The present Holy Cross cathedral in Nicosia is inaugurated. 1923 The Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus settle in Cyprus and establish Saint Mary’s Convent and the Terra Santa School for Girls in Limassol. It moves to its current location in 1965, operating henceforth as Saint Mary’s Convent and School; it is inaugurated on 19 June 1966 by the Latin Patriarch, Alberto Gori. 1936 The Sisters of the Order of the Sacred Heart of Jesus establish the Terra Santa Convent and School in Kormakitis. It is inaugurated on 15 November 1936 by the Commissioner of Kyrenia, Bryan Justin O’Brien. It is taken over by the Turkish invading troops in 1974. 1952 The Sisters of the Order of the Sacred Heart of Jesus establish the Terra Santa Convent and School in Famagusta. It moves to its own location in 1960 and it is inaugurated on 20 February 1961 by Abbess Arsenia Fantin. It is taken over by the Turkish invading troops in 1974. 6 August 1960 Anthony Pietroni is declared Latin Representative in the Greek Communal Chamber, with no other contestant. 16 August 1960 Independence of Cyprus. The Latins are recognised by the Constitution as a religious group and opt in a referendum (13 November 1960) to belong to the Greek-Cypriot community. 10 July 1970 Anthony Pietroni is declared Latin Representative in the House of Representatives, with no other contestant. 29 November 1972 The Custos of the Holy Land, Fr. Erminio Roncari, inaugurates the "Terra Santa" Rest Home in Larnaka. 3 October 1976 Felix Cirilli is elected Latin Representative, securing 55,19% of the votes. 18 September 1981 Felix Cirilli is declared Latin Representative, with no other contestant. 3 July 1986 Felix Cirilli is declared Latin Representative, with no other contestant. 19 May 1991 Benito Mantovani is elected Latin Representative, securing 64,44% of the votes. 4 May 1996 Benito Mantovani is declared Latin Representative, with no other contestant. 7 May 2001 Benito Mantovani is declared Latin Representative, with no other contestant. 21 May 2006 Benito Mantovani is elected Latin Representative, securing 61,83% of the votes. 4-6 June 2010 Visit of His Holiness the Pope Benedict XVI to Cyprus. 22 May 2011 Benito Mantovani is elected Latin Representative, securing 72,39% of the votes. 5 December 2014 Latin Patriarch, Fouad Twal, and Bishop of Chytri, Leontios, inaugurate the “Archangel Michael” Hospice in Mesa Chorio. 22 May 2016 Antonella Mantovani is elected Latin Representative, securing 79,86% of the votes.