Cyprus at a Glance_EN

International Relations Cyprus maintains very good relations with a considerable number of countries and the objective of its foreign policy is to have an active involvement in processes that aim to promote international co- operation, peace, stability, and sustainable development. Cyprus has always been a dedicated supporter of human rights, the sovereignty and territorial integrity of States, and a strong advocate of international peace and security. Its geographic position enables it to play a role both in the Eastern Mediterranean region and within the European family. Its accession to the European Union initiated a new era in its relations with third countries, thus becoming a bridge of communication between the European Union and these countries. Cyprus seeks to explore synergies, optimize resource development and create opportunities through interstate and regional collaboration, to the benefit of peace and prosperity in the wider Eastern Mediterranean. In this respect, the discovery of substantial amounts of hydrocarbons in the region has opened up new possibilities for cooperation, not only between the countries of the region, but also between the EU and those countries through Cyprus. The Republic of Cyprus is a member of many international organisations including: - The United Nations (1960) and most of its specialised agencies - The Council of Europe (1961) - The Commonwealth (1961) - The World Bank (1961) - The International Monetary Fund (1961) - The Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe (1975) - The World Trade Organisation (1995) 7