Cyprus at a Glance_EN

2004 - 1 May The Republic of Cyprus becomes a member of the European Union. 2006 - 8 July The President of Cyprus and the Turkish Cypriot leader agree on a set of principles (The 8 July Agreement) to guide the peace process on Cyprus. 2008 - 1 January Cyprus joins the Eurozone. 2008 - 3 September The President of Cyprus and the Turkish Cypriot leader launch direct, fully- fledged negotiations on the Cyprus problem. 2010 - 1 October The Republic of Cyprus celebrates its 50th anniversary. 2012 – 1 July – 31 December The Republic of Cyprus holds its first Presidency of the Council of the European Union. 2014 - 11 February The President of Cyprus and the Turkish Cypriot leader agree on a Joint Declaration on the re-launching of the talks on the Cyprus problem. 2015 – 15 May Resumption of talks on the Cyprus problem between the President of the Republic and the new Turkish Cypriot leader, under the auspices of the United Nations. 2017 – 28 June – 7 July International Conference on Cyprus at Crans Montana, Switzerland, concluded without result, due to Turkey’s insistence to have the right to unilaterally intervene in Cyprus, to retain an anachronistic system of guarantees and to permanently maintain troops on Cyprus after the settlement. 39