Cyprus at a Glance_EN

1960 - 16 August Proclamation of the Republic of Cyprus. 1963 President Makarios submits constitutional amendments for discussion which are rejected by Turkey and the Turkish Cypriot leadership. Insurrection by Turkish Cypriot extremists. 1964 Arrival of UN Peacekeeping Force (UNFICYP). Turkey bombs and threatens to invade Cyprus. 1967 Turkey again threatens to invade Cyprus. 1968 Start of UN-sponsored talks between the Greek and Turkish Cypriot communities to resolve the inter-communal conflict. 1974 - 15 July Coup against the government of the Republic of Cyprus organised by the military junta of Greece. 1974 - 20 July Turkey invades Cyprus and in a two-phase operation occupies 36,2% of the Republic. 1983 The Turkish Cypriot leadership, with Turkey’s support, unilaterally declares the "Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus" ("TRNC") in the Turkish occupied areas of the Republic of Cyprus. The UN Security Council and all major international organisations condemn the action and call for the respect of the independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Republic of Cyprus. The Security Council declares the secessionist act “legally invalid”. 1990 The Republic of Cyprus applies for membership in the EEC. 1998 Accession negotiations between Cyprus and the EU commence. 2003 - 16 April The Republic of Cyprus signs the Treaty of Accession to the EU in Athens. 2004 - 24 April Greek Cypriots overwhelmingly reject the Annan Plan (version V) on the Cyprus problem, because it did not meet their main concerns. Turkish Cypriots support the plan.