Cyprus at a Glance_EN

Location and Area Cyprus is a small island of 9.251 km 2 (3.572 square miles), extending 240 km (149 miles) from east to west and 100 km (62 miles) from north to south. It is strategically situated in the far eastern end of the Mediterranean (33° E, 35° N), at the crossroads of Europe, Africa and Asia, and in close proximity to the busy trade routes linking Europe with the Middle East, Russia, Central Asia and the Far East. Topography Cyprus has two mountain ranges: the Pentadaktylos range, which runs along almost the entire northern coast, and the Troodos massif in the central and south-western parts of the island which culminates in the peak of Mount Olympus, 1.953 m above sea level. Cyprus' coastal line is indented and rocky in the north with long sandy beaches in the south. Between the two ranges lies the fertile plain of Messaoria. Climate Cyprus has a Mediterranean climate: hot dry summers from June to September and mild, wet winters from November to March, which are separated by short Autumn and Spring seasons of rapid change in weather patterns in October, April and May. Sunshine is abundant during the whole year, particularly from April to September when the daily average exceeds eleven hours. Flora and Fauna Seventeen percent of the island is woodland. The natural vegetation includes forests of evergreen and deciduous trees, shrubs and flowers. The flora comprises about 1.800 indigenous species, sub- species and varieties. About 140 or 7% of these are endemic to Cyprus. The Cyclamen (Cyclamen cyprium) has been declared Cyprus’ national plant, while the Golden Oak (Quercus alnifolia) has become the island’s national tree. The fauna of Cyprus includes some 7 species of land mammals, 26 species of amphibians and reptiles, 365 species of birds, and a great variety of insects, while the coastal waters of the island give shelter to 197 fish species and various species of crabs, sponges and echinodermata. The largest wild animal that still lives on the island is the Cyprus moufflon, a rare type of wild sheep that can only be found in Cyprus. 10 EUROPE CYPRUS AFRICA MIDDLE EAST