Places of Worship and Prayer Armenians have their own churches and chapels in Cyprus, as follows: • In Strovolos, Nicosia, there is the cathedral of the Virgin Mary (Sourp Asdvadzadzin), built between 1976 and 1981. There are also the chapel of Saint Paul (Sourp Boghos), built in 1892 within the old Armenian cemetery in the Ledra Palace area, the chapel of the Holy Resurrection (Sourp Haroutiun), built in 1938 within the second Armenian cemetery in Ayios Dhometios, and the chapel of the Holy Saviour of All (Sourp Amenapergitch), built between 1995 and 1996 within the premises of the Kalaydjian Rest Home for the Elderly in Strovolos. • In Larnaka, there is the church of Saint Stephen (Sourp Stepanos), built between 1909 and 1913 in memory of the Adana massacre martyrs. • In Limassol, there is the church of Saint George (Sourp Kevork), built between 1939 and 1940. • Since 2008, thanks to the kind permission of the Bishop of Pafos Georgios, Armenians in Pafos use a few times a year Saint George's chapel in Khloraka. THE ARMENIANS OF CYPRUS 20 l The Virgin Mary cathedral in Nicosia (2012). l Saint George’s church in Limassol (2016).