The Cyprus Question

3. Consequences of the Turkish invasion and occupation - facts and figures u Over one third (36,2 percent) of the sovereign territory of the Republic of Cyprus remains occupied by Turkey. u Approximately 200.000 Greek Cypriots, about one third of the total population at the time, were forcibly expelled from the occupied northern part of the island where they constituted about 70 percent of the population; they are still deprived of the right to return to their homes and properties. The Turkish Cypriots living in the free areas were forced by their leadership to move to the occupied areas. u 758 Greek Cypriots (among them several hundred civilians) are still missing, but the Turkish side refuses to fully co-operate in ascertaining their fate. u 331 Greek and Maronite Cypriots enclaved in their villages in the occupied areas are still living under oppression, deprivation and intimidation. (At the end of 1974 there were 20.000 enclaved, most of whom were subsequently forced by the illegal regime to abandon their homes and became refugees). u A force of more than 43.000 Turkish troops, supported by the Turkish air force and navy, are still in the occupied areas of Cyprus. u More than 160.000 settlers from Turkey have illegally colonised the occupied areas, as part of Turkey’s policy to alter the demographic structure of the island. u More than 57.000 out of 116.000 Turkish Cypriots have emigrated since the invasion, according to Turkish Cypriot sources, because of the economic, social and moral situation prevailing in the occupied areas. u There has been systematic usurpation, misappropriation and exploitation of properties belonging to Greek Cypriots who were forcibly displaced by the Turkish invasion in 1974. u Turkey and the illegal occupation regime have systematically eradicated the cultural and historical heritage of 11.000 years in the occupied areas. Some examples: l Illegal excavations and smuggling of antiquities are openly taking place all the time with the involvement or, at least, acquiescence of the occupying forces; l Innumerable icons, religious artifacts and archaeological treasures have been stolen and smuggled abroad; l The cemeteries of at least 25 villages have been desecrated and destroyed. The Cyprus Question| A brief Introduction 49