The Cyprus Question

Contents FOREWORD 18 INTRODUCTION 19 POLITICAL OVERVIEW 11 Seeking a negotiated solution 11 Issues under discussion since 1974 12 UN negotiations, 2002–2004 13 The 24 April 2004 referenda–the people’s decision 14 Alleged Turkish Cypriot isolation 16 Reviving the peace process 2005–2006 17 The 8th July 2006 agreements 18 New initiatives in 2008 yield results 19 Negotiations leading to Crans Montana 20 Cyprus and the European Union 22 Conclusion 25 HISTORICAL BACKGROUND 26 From Independence to the Turkish invasion, 1960–1974 26 Turkish military invasion and occupation 29 Our vision for a reunified Cyprus 37 MAPS 38 APPENDICES 41 1. Policy initiatives for Turkish Cypriots 41 2. Important legal decisions on the Cyprus question 44 3. Consequences of the Turkish invasion and occupation - facts and figures 49 CHRONOLOGY OF KEY EVENTS 50 SELECT BIBLIOGRAPHY 57