The Cyprus Question

The Cyprus Question| A brief Introduction 41 Appendices 1. Policy initiatives for Turkish Cypriots While actively searching for a solution to the Cyprus problem, the Government introduced, as of 30 April 2003, a series of policy initiatives in order to provide Turkish Cypriots, who reside mainly in the occupied areas, the opportunity to enjoy, to the extent possible under the current circumstances, the rights and benefits the Cyprus Republic offers to its citizens. The implementation of these initiatives and confidence-building measures takes place within the context of the laws of the Republic of Cyprus, international law, and the EU acquis communautaire. The Government initiatives concern, among others: l Movement of goods, persons and vehicles l Employment of Turkish Cypriots in the government-controlled areas l Professional training of Turkish Cypriots and their participation in international athletic and other events abroad l Issuing of official certificates and other documents such as passports and identity cards of the Republic of Cyprus to Turkish Cypriots l Protection of the cultural heritage of Turkish Cypriots l Clearing of the minefields inside the buffer zone along the UN ceasefire line; and l Assistance to the relatives of the Turkish Cypriot missing persons and non-combatants killed during the 1963–67 period and in 1974. The Government pays social insurance pensions, grants, allowances and other benefits to qualified Turkish Cypriots and provides free medical treatment to thousands of Turkish Cypriots each year. Turkish Cypriots working in the government-controlled areas receive hundreds of thousands of euro in income, while Greek Cypriots crossing into the occupied territories spend million of euro there. Finally, for decades, the Cyprus Electricity Authority had also provided free electricity to the Turkish Cypriot community in the occupied areas. For the period 1974–2024, over 300 million euro worth of electricity was supplied to Turkish Cypriots. Water was also supplied.