The Cyprus Question

yet and in any case “such compliance, could not be consistent with any possible permission, participation, acquiescence of other form of complicity in any unlawful sale or exploitation of Greek Cypriot homes and property in the northern part of Cyprus”. Moreover, under the laws of the Republic of Cyprus, the use of property registered in the name of another individual, constitutes a criminal offence. The commission of this offence could lead to the issuance of a European arrest warrant, enforceable in any of the 26 EU countries, as well as an international arrest warrant. Violation of the status quo in the buffer zone Over the years, there have been frequent provocations, violations as well as attempts of incursion by the Turkish occupation forces into the buffer zone in a number of areas along the Turkish forces ceasefire line. Such attempts aim to create new faits accomplis, raise tensions and undermine both the sense of security of the people as well as efforts for the resumption of negotiations. In August 2023 the Turkish occupation forces embarked on a serious attack and exercise of physical violence against UN Peacekeepers in the buffer zone in the vicinity of the village of Pyla, with the aim to acquire military advantage and to place a large area within the buffer zone under its military control. In the following months, this was followed by other provocative actions in areas such as Agios Dometios and Denia. The Secretary General recorded in his Report of January 3, 2024 the concerning trend of “move forward” violations and claims to parts of the buffer zone by the Turkish forces. This trend was notably observed around an abandoned house in the buffer zone known as “Maria’s House”, adjacent to a Greek Cypriot residential area in Lefkosia. From August to November, 43 move forward violations by Turkish Forces were recorded. Varosha The relevant UN Security Council resolutions with respect to Varosha, in particular resolution 550 (1984) and resolution 789 (1992), consider attempts to settle any part of Varosha by people other than its inhabitants as inadmissible, and which call for the transfer of that area to the administration of the United Nations. No actions should be carried out in relation to Varosha that is not in accordance with those resolutions. Full respect for and implementation of UN Security Council Resolutions also requires an immediate end to restrictions imposed on the freedom of movement of the United Nations Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus in the The Cyprus Question| A brief Introduction 35