The Cyprus Question

Despite this negative development, the Cypriot government remained steadfastly committed to reaching a solution to the Cyprus problem through talks under the auspices of the United Nations. Despite the non-constructive attitude of Turkey, the Secretary-General of the United Nations appointed Jane Holl Lute as Special Adviser to resume the negotiation process. Successive rounds of contacts led to the meeting of the Secretary-General with the leaders of the two communities on November 25, 2019, in Berlin during which the leaders reaffirmed their commitment to reach a solution based on a bi-zonal and bi-communal federation with political equality, as defined in the relevant resolutions of the United Nations. On 27-29 April 2021, the UN Secretary General convened the informal 5+1 meeting on Cyprus, in Geneva, with the aim to achieve a breakthrough for the resumption of a process of negotiations for a solution to the Cyprus problem. Unfortunately, the refusal of Turkey and of the leader of the Turkish Cypriot community to reaffirm their commitment to the agreed basis of a bi-zonal, bi-communal federation with political equality as defined in UN resolutions, their insistence on the equal status of the "two-states" as a precondition for the resumption of negotiations and their rejection of the Secretary-General's proposal for the appointment of a special envoy, led the effort to a deadlock. Immediately upon assuming his duties as President of the Republic of Cyprus in March 2023, Nikos Christodoulides, has proclaimed as his absolute and predominant priority to exert every possible effort to break the current stalemate and resume negotiations in accordance with relevant UN Security Council resolutions, the EU acquis and previous convergences. To this end he stressed that the proposed solution should establish a functional state, without any foreign guarantees and without occupation troops under a constitutional framework allowing all citizens, Greek and Turkish Cypriots alike, to live in conditions of security, understanding, and in full respect of their fundamental rights. The Government of the Republic of Cyprus has welcomed the appointment, in January 2024, of Maria Angela Cuellar Holguin as the Personal Envoy of the Secretary General for the Cyprus Problem. This constitutes a positive development, one that we hope can generate new momentum for a renewed effort leading to the resumption of the negotiations on the agreed basis. The Government of the Republic of Cyprus stands ready to exert every effort for the resumption of the negotiation process based on the agreed basis for a solution which is a bi-zonal, bi-communal federation with political equality as set out in the relevant Security Council resolutions. The Cyprus Question| A brief Introduction 21