The Cyprus Question

Issues under discussion since 1974 The Cyprus problem has since 1974 been one of military invasion and continuing occupation in violation of fundamental principles of international law and relevant unanimous UN Security Council resolutions. Negotiations, especially after 16 January 2002, aimed at a comprehensive solution for the reunification of Cyprus. Throughout this process, the Government of Cyprus sought a solution reflecting democratic norms, the UN Security Council resolutions, international law, European Union law, and relevant court decisions. Specific issues under discussion have included: uImplementation of UN Security Council resolutions and the high level agreements that call for a bi-zonal, bi-communal federation uNew power sharing formula under a federal government with adequate powers for effective governance, for safeguarding the unity of the Republic, and for meeting its international and EU obligations uContinuation of one Republic with one single sovereignty and international personality and one single citizenship uSafeguards for the independence and territorial integrity of the Republic and the exclusion in whole or in part of union with any other country or any form of partition or secession uPolitical equality between the Greek and Turkish Cypriot communities as defined in relevant Security Council resolutions uGuarantees against foreign interference and unilateral right of intervention by another country uWithdrawal of foreign forces under relevant UN Security Council and General Assembly resolutions uReturn of displaced persons and a property recovery system in conformity with the European Convention and court decisions uRight to acquire property and reside anywhere in Cyprus without restrictive quotas based on ethnic or religious criteria uFull respect for the human rights of all Cypriots under the European Convention uRepatriation of the illegal settlers to Turkey, except for a limited number based on special humanitarian considerations uCompatibility of any settlement with the obligations and rights of the Republic of Cyprus in the EU uComplete demilitarisation of the Cypriot state. The Cyprus Question| A brief Introduction 12