The Cyprus Question

The Cyprus Question| A brief Introduction 10 “Based on everything I have said above and taking into account, on the one hand the current state of affairs on an international level, and on the other hand the sheer need to reverse the unacceptable status quo in Cyprus”, President Christodoulides added, “I have already laid down the main points of our proposal for a more active involvement of the European Union in the Cyprus question, both in the efforts to resume negotiations and during the negotiating process itself. Here I must clarify that by involvement of the European Union, we mean in support of and in tandem with the efforts of the General Secretary and of the United Nations. I am convinced that the EU can play a decisive role both towards breaking the deadlock and in the course of the negotiating process, given that it possesses all these tools and motives for all parties that can lead to a mutually beneficial state of affairs. Our endeavour does not aim at creating unilateral benefit, but on gradually promoting a win-win situation. Here I must point out that the ultimate benefit for the Republic of Cyprus will be the resolution of the Cyprus problem and the reunification of Cyprus, which will also have a positive impact on the region”.