60 years UNFICYP 1964-2024

3 UNFICYP - 60 years This year marks sixty years of the presence of the United Nations Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus (UNFICYP). On 4 March 1964, the United Nations Security Council adopted Resolution 186, recommending “the creation, with the consent of the Government of Cyprus, of a United Nations Peace-keeping Force in Cyprus.” <PM ÅZ[\ XMIKMSMMXMZ[ UQTQ\IZa IVL XWTQKM W ٻ KMZ[ IZZQ^ML QV )XZQT ! UNFICYP is tasked “in the interest of preserving international peace and [MK]ZQ\a \W ][M Q\[ JM[\ M ٺ WZ\[ \W XZM^MV\ I ZMK]ZZMVKM WN ÅOP\QVO IVL I[ VMKM[[IZa to contribute to the maintenance and restoration of law and order and a return to normal conditions.” .WTTW_QVO \PM <]ZSQ[P QV^I[QWV WN +aXZ][ QV ! IVL the displacement of the population, the Force assumed a humanitarian UIVLI\M QV XZW^QLQVO MUMZOMVKa I[[Q[\IVKM \Ƅ \PM XWX]TI\QWV IVL QV conjunction with the parties concerned, “to take appropriate measures to provide for their (refugees’) relief and welfare and to permit those people who wish to do so to return to their homes in safety” C;+ :M[ ! E =6.1+A8 IT[W NIKQTQ\I\M[ \PM M ٺ WZ\[ WN \PM OWWL W ٻ KM[ UQ[[QWV WN \PM ;MKZM\IZa General in the “continued search for a peaceful settlement.” 1V Q\[ [Q`\a aMIZ PQ[\WZa =6.1+A8 PI[ XTIaML IV QV^IT]IJTM ZWTM QV KIZZaQVO W]\ Q\[ UIVLI\M <PM XMWXTM IVL \PM /W^MZVUMV\ WN +aXZ][ XIa \ZQJ]\M \W \PM =VQ\ML 6I\QWV[ \PM NWZ\a NW]Z =6 UMUJMZ [\I\M[ \PI\ PI^M [QVKM ! KWV\ZQJ]\ML _Q\P \MV[ WN \PW][IVL[ WN \ZWWX[ \W \PM .WZKM I[ _MTT I[ \W \PM KW]V\ZQM[ \PI\ PI^M []XXWZ\ML =6.1+A8 \PZW]OP ^WT]V\IZa IVL I[[M[[ML KWV\ZQJ]\QWV[ ;XMKQIT \ZQJ]\M Q[ XIQL \W \PM XMIKMSMMXMZ[ _PW TW[\ \PMQZ TQ^M[ QV \PM [MZ^QKM WN XMIKM QV Cyprus. =6.1+A8 PI[ []KKM[[N]TTa XZM^MV\ML I ZMK]ZZMVKM WN ÅOP\QVO 1\[ presence is required until a lasting settlement is reached, ending foreign occupation and reuniting the island and its people; UNFICYP’s XZM[MVKM QV +aXZ][ ZMUIQV[ VMKM[[IZa ]V\QT \PM M[\IJTQ[PUMV\ WN XMIKM