Cyprus Energy Regulatory Authority Annual Report 2021

97 Annual Report 2021 considered relevant by the competent authority, the transmission system operators, the relevant producers or their trade bodies, the electricity and natural gas undertakings, the relevant organizations that represent the interests of industrial and non-industrial electricity customers, and the regulatory authority where it is not the competent authority. The risk-preparedness plan shall be prepared in accordance with the template that is provided in Regulation (EU) 2019/941. Although Cyprus has received a derogation from specific provisions of Regulation 2019/941, until is directly connected with another Member State, it has decided to move forward with the determination of national electricity crisis scenarios and its risk-preparedness plan. On 26 May 2021, further to Decision 165/2021, having regard to the consultations that were carried out with TSOC, DSO, the relevant producers or their trade bodies, the relevant organizations that represent the interests of industrial and non-industrial electricity customers as well as the National Electricity Crisis Scenarios that had been developed with CERA Decision 432/2020, CERA decided to approve the Draft Risk-Preparedness Plan for Cyprus and to communicate this to the Electricity Coordination Group (ECG) for consultation. The Risk-Preparedness Plan for Cyprus implements procedures and measures to reduce the possibility of electricity crises, where possible, and to mitigate the impact of crisis scenarios should they occur. These procedures and measures can be summarized into the following categories: • Prevention/minimization of the probability of total or partial system downtime. • Minimization of the probability of deficient generation adequacy. Preparing the system for high demand periods, when the system operates close to its stability limits, i.e., in the hot summer months • Arrangements for the emergency operation of the Cyprus National Energy Control Center (NECC) • Physical security and cyberspace measures.