Cyprus Energy Regulatory Authority Annual Report 2021

82 Cyprus Energy Regulatory Authority Figure 16 - Sankey diagram for the total generation of electricity (GWh) in 2021 • EAC power plants generated 238,581 MWh for their local needs. • Energy which was injected to the transmission system from the EAC-Generation conventional plants reached 4,098,566 MWh. • Energy that was exported from the transmission system to the EAC substations and the large producers reached 4,396,090 MWh. • Reported losses during the transmission amounted to 63,306 MWh, or 1.46%, of the energy that was injected into the transmission system. • Reported losses during distribution amounted to 151,500 MWh, or 3.3%, of the energy that was injected into the distribution system. Load Factor The Load Factor of the conventional power generation plants stood at 46.95% in 2021 compared to 47.4% in 2020. Figure 16 shows the total generation of electricity for 2021.