Cyprus Energy Regulatory Authority Annual Report 2021

67 Annual Report 2021 CERA participates in this CEER initiative for the first time in 2021 with an active presence in all the project's meetings. The meetings aimed at helping national regulatory authorities familiarize themselves with the tools of the project for proper data validation (Data Validation Protocol) of transmission networks in Cyprus, which will be used to develop a cost-efficiency benchmarking model. Participation in the Standardization of ACER terminology In 2021, CERA participated in the joint effort of ACER, the Center for the Bodies of the European Union (CdT) and regulatory authorities to provide a common terminology database in the EU languages. ACER invited national regulatory authorities to contribute in the creation of a terminology database in the EU language in the energy policy sector. CERA stated its availability and readiness to participate in this project. The creation of a consolidated terminology database from English to other EU languages will support the development of a multi-language terminology platform, will be enriched and edited over time. The objective of this project is to align the translation and use of technical terms by sharing the terminology data between regulatory authorities, EU institutional bodies and organizations, and to create a standardized terminology database for ACER translations.