Cyprus Energy Regulatory Authority Annual Report 2021

41 Annual Report 2021 Actions taken in relation to previous Regulatory Decisions Compliance check of DSO and TSOC according to the regulatory framework for the preparation of thorough techno-economic feasibility study for the redesign of the transmission system With respect to the provisions of Regulatory Decision No. 02/2019 (KDP 204/2019) "on the preparation of thorough techno-economic feasibility study for the redesign of the transmission and distribution system 2021-2030", CERA performed a compliance check of the DSO and TSOC, the findings were recorded and specific deviations were highlighted regarding the TSOC's and DSO's compliance with the regulatory framework. Then, having regard to these findings, CERA took the appropriate actions pointing out these findings to the TSOC and DSO and particularly the specific deviation with instructions for their rectification and full implementation and compliance with the regulatory framework. In the context of controlling the harmonization of the TSOC and DSO, CERA approved the publication of the Host Capacity Map for Power Grid for Renewable Electricity Production (RES-E). DSO compliance check pursuant to the regulatory framework for the mass installation and operation of smart metering systems With respect to the provisions of Regulatory Decision No. 02/2018 (KDP 259/2018) "on the Application of a binding timetable for the mass installation and operation by the Distribution System Operator (DSO) of an Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI)", CERA performed a compliance check of DSO, the findings were recorded, and specific deviations were highlighted regarding the DSO's compliance with the regulatory framework. Having regard to the findings of the check that it performed, CERA took the appropriate actions pointing out these findings to the EAC Board of Directors and particularly the specific deviation with instructions for their rectification and full implementation and compliance with the regulatory framework. Compliance check of TSOC pursuant to the regulatory framework for the formulation of the Ten-Year Transmission System Development Plan With respect to the provisions of Regulatory Decision No. 03/2020 (KDP 165/2020) "on the establishment of basic principles for the formulation of the Ten-Year Transmission System Development Plan" CERA performed a compliance check of TSOC, the findings were recorded and specific deviations were highlighted regarding the TSOC's compliance with the regulatory framework. Having regard to these findings, CERA took the appropriate actions pointing out these findings to TSOC and particularly the specific deviation with instructions for their rectification and full implementation and compliance with the regulatory framework. Tender No. 10/2020 "Assessment of the needs of the Cypriot electricity system based on the regulatory framework for the operation of in-front-of-the-meter electricity storage facilities in the Wholesale Electricity Market". Having regard to the tasks for implementation of the provisions of CERA's Regulatory Decision No. 03/2019 - KDP 224/2019 "regarding the establishment of basic regulatory principles of the operation of