Cyprus Energy Regulatory Authority Annual Report 2021

40 Cyprus Energy Regulatory Authority Decision 376/2021 - Parameters set by the DSO for the Transitory Regulation of the Electricity Market for 2022 By Decision 376/2021, CERA approved the distribution losses coefficients of the distribution system (Medium and Low Voltage) for 2022. Decision 383/2021 - CERA Reserve Fund Policy Having regard to the Law Regarding the Establishment and Operation of the Energy Regulatory Authority of 2021 and particularly Articles 10 and 12, and the need to establish policies for the use of CERA reserves (cash, bonds, and shares) that are observed at the end of each year given that end of every two years and following the joint decision of CERA, MECI and the Ministry of Finance any CERA reserve surplus will be transferred to the electricity, natural gas, and RES-related fund of the Republic (Article 10 (3) of the Law), CERA established the following policy for the use of use of CERA reserves (cash, bonds, and shares) that are observed at the end of each year: Upon completion of the audit of the financial statements of CERA by the Auditing Agency or the Contractor that the latter appoints for the audit, CERA's cash balances in the banks as well as the value of bonds and cash for year t (e.g., for 2020) are determined. CERA accumulates a reserve which consists of: • Any Budget deficit for year t+1 and year t+2. • A safety reserve which is calculated as 10/12 of the expenses of CERA's Budget for year t+2, because CERA's fees are billed in October and collected in November each year. • Amounts to cover the retirement benefits of all permanent staff of the Office of CERA, past and present, as well as of the Members of CERA, past and present, where applicable, according to the approved positions included in the Budget of year t+1. • Amounts for the purchase of a building for CERA's needs. Decision 386/2021 - Approval of Amendments proposed to the Transmission and Distribution Rules by the Transmission System Operator - Cyprus - Version 5.3.0 By Decision 386/2021, CERA approved the proposed Transmission and Distribution Rules (TDR), Version 5.3.0 that were submitted by the TSOC. In addition, it invited the TSOC to publish the newly approved TDRs on its website without, however, having any force, in the context of full transparency, update and timely information of all interested investors for activity in the field of competitive electricity market but also for informing any other interested persons and/or participants in the electricity market.