Cyprus Energy Regulatory Authority Annual Report 2021

35 Annual Report 2021 • TSOC will publish the TYNDP based on Regulatory Decision no. 03/2020 (KDP 165/2020), in the context of full transparency and information for all stakeholders. This publication should be made on condition that there is reference in RD No. 03/2020 (KDP 165/2020), and the clarification that this TYNDP is not fully harmonized with that decision. • In the context of reducing costs, where possible, and restricting financial costs, TSOC should make an effort to reduce costs as much as possible during the implementation of the projects, taking into account the obligations arising from the legislation and the obligation for the operation of an efficient, coordinated, secure, reliable and economically viable transmission system. Decision 115/2021 - Draft regarding the Regulations Regulating the Natural Gas Market (Natural Gas Quality Requirements) By Decision 115/2021, dated 06 April 2021, CERA decided to revoke CERA Decision no. 82/2021, dated 05 March 2021 entitled "Draft regarding the Regulations Regulating the Natural Gas Market (Natural Gas Quality Requirements)" and the notification to the MECI of the Draft regarding the Regulations Regulating the Natural Gas Market (Natural Gas Quality Requirements) as prepared by CERA. Decision No 136/2021 - Update of the Cross-Border Cost Allocation of the PCI No 3.10.2 Interconnection Between Kofinou (CY) and Korakia, Crete (EL) By Decision 136/2021, dated 23 April 2021, having regard, among other things, to the request by the Implementation Body "Euroasia Interconnector Ltd" for the revision of the cross-border cost allocation agreement after the withdrawal of the former Project of Common Interest (PCI) "3.10.3 Internal line between Korakia, Crete (EL) and Attica region (EL)" from the updated EU PCI list, CERA decided to approve the agreement between the two regulatory authorities entitled "Joint Decision of the Hellenic Regulatory Authority for Energy (RAE) and the Cyprus Energy Regulatory Authority (CERA) with regards to clarifications and updates related to the Cross-Border Cost Allocation Agreement, of 10 October 2017, following the Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2020/389" Annex I, which concerns updated issues pertaining to: • The rewording of the definitions of the words "Project" or "PCI" of the CBCA Agreement of 10th October 2017, • The implementation time schedule for PCI 3.10.2, • Ensuring the interoperability of PCI 3.10.2 and the Hellenic Electricity Transmission System (HETS), and • Confirmation of the already agreed cross-border cost allocation, namely that 37% of the agreed implementation cost (according to the CBCA Agreement of 10th October 2017) is allocated to Greece and 63% to Cyprus, provided that 50% of the project will be funded by third parties. It was also decided that this decision will be communicated to the Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators (ACER) along with all the relevant information and to the Implementation of the Project and to be published in the Official Gazette of the Republic of Cyprus and on the CERA website, without Annex I, because it contains confidential information that cannot be published. Decision 163/2021 - Long-Term Annual Forecast of Maximum Total Electricity Capacity and Total Generated Electricity for the Decade 2021 - 2030 By Decision 163/2021, CERA approved the long-term forecast of annual maximum total capacity of electricity and total generated electricity for the decade 2021-2030 which was submitted by the TSOC.