Cyprus Energy Regulatory Authority Annual Report 2021

32 Cyprus Energy Regulatory Authority Recovery from tariff Initially Allowed Revenues 2021 Ex-cost adjustments Allowed revenues 2021 approved by CERA Wholesale electricity tariff (T-W) at basic price € 358,674,499 1,515,305 360,189,804 Use of Transmission System Tariff (T-NH) € 41,898,403 -5,259,922 36,638,481 Use of Distribution System Tariff (medium and low voltage), which includes a charge component related to the Distribution System Operator (T-NM, T-NL) € 87,190,792 -10,722,739 76,468,053 Tariff for Business Management Services provided to customers (T-BM) € 17,075,978 -49,738 17,026,240 Tariff for the provision of Ancillary Services and long-term reserve (T-AS) € 32,111,211 -629,800 31,481,411 Tariff for the recovery of expenses of the Transmission System Operator (T-TSO) € 6,244,000 -1,921,300 4,322,700 Tariff for the recovery of expenses of measurements incurred by the Distribution System Operator (T-MET) € 3,718,994 0 3,718,994 Purchase of RES-generated energy at basic price € 51,547,413 -7,819,150 43,728,263 Supply tariffs and electricity market charges to the end consumer (T-RET) € 598,838,036 -4,593,904 594,244,132 Table 1 - Allowed Revenues and Regulated Electricity Tariffs for 2021 Decision 26/2021 - Electricity Tariff Plans for 2021 By Decision 26/2021, CERA approved the Electricity Tariff Plans for 2021, as submitted by EAC Supply and instructed EAC Supply to publish the approved Electricity Tariff Plans to properly inform electricity consumers and other participants in the electricity market. Decision 42/2021 - Draft Regulatory Decision on the "Statement of Regulatory Practice and Electricity Tariffs Methodology" By Decision 42/2021, after taking into account Regulatory Decision No. 02/2015 "Statement of Regulatory Practice and Electricity Tariffs Methodology" (KDP 208/2015) and Decision No. 84/2017 dated 12 May 2017, with which CERA approved the revised Trading and Settlement Rules (TSRs) that were submitted by the TSOC (Version 2.0.0), and after considering that with the implementation of the revised TSRs and the new electricity market a Statement of Regulatory Practice and Electricity Tariffs Method-