Cyprus Energy Regulatory Authority Annual Report 2021

27 Annual Report 2021 any relevant regulatory issue in order for the internal electricity and natural gas markets to operate properly in accordance with the above Directives and to be fully independent from any other public or private interest. Draft bill entitled "Law on the Promotion and Encouragement of the Use of Renewable Energy Sources of 2021" The preliminary draft bill was prepared for the partial harmonization of national legislation with "Directive (EU) 2018/2001 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 11th December 2018 on the promotion of the use of energy from renewable sources". The proposed Law will replace the "Laws on the Promotion and Encouragement of the Use of Renewable Energy Sources of 2013 to 2018". From 10 February 2021 until 10 March 2021, the MECI conducted a public consultation on the draft bill entitled "Law on the Promotion and Encouragement of the Use of Renewable Energy Sources of 2021" and its results have been announced. Code of Public Governance CERA has adopted the Code of Public Governance as this had been approved by the Council of Ministers, under Decision no. 87,869 dated 25 July 2019, for implementation by Government Organizations and Government Enterprises. CERA has also issued a Guide on the implementation of the Code of Public Governance, which shows how CERA conforms with the Code of Public Governance. With the adoption of the Code of Public Governance, CERA has defined a clear set of values regarding the way in which it conducts its activities. CERA's Top Management and office staff, represent these values and operate on their basis when carrying out their activities and during their contact the various stakeholders. The members of the Top Management of CERA support the implementation of the Code of Public Governance and evaluate its effective implementation since it is a useful tool for controlling the effectiveness of governance and encourages the achievement of better results via accountability and transparency. In addition, CERA has defined and published its Mission, Vision and Values on its website, as follows: Mission CERA's mission concerns the regulation of the electricity market in the Republic, the establishment of rules concerning the generation, transmission, distribution, storage and supply of electricity, as well as the creation of integrated, competitive, consumer-focused, flexible, fair and transparent electricity markets in Cyprus to ensure affordable and transparent prices as well as energy cost for the purpose of protecting consumers. In addition, CERA's mission concerns the regulation of the natural gas market in the Republic, the establishment of rules pertaining to the transmission, distribution, supply, and storage of natural gas and the determination of rules regarding the organization and operation of the natural gas sector, access to the market, the operation of the networks, and the criteria and procedures for the granting of licenses for the transmission, distribution, supply, and storage of natural gas.