Cyprus Energy Regulatory Authority Annual Report 2021

130 Cyprus Energy Regulatory Authority Financial liabilities - Modifications An exchange between the Authority and its original lenders of debt instruments with substantially different terms, as well as substantial modifications of the terms and conditions of existing financial liabilities, are accounted for as an extinguishment of the original financial liability and the recognition of a new financial liability. The terms are substantially different if the discounted present value of the cash flows under the new terms, including any fees paid net of any fees received and discounted using the original effective interest rate, is at least 10% different from the discounted present value of the remaining cash flows of the original financial liability. (In addition, other qualitative factors, such as the currency that the instrument is denominated in, changes in the type of interest rate, new conversion features attached to the instrument and change in loan covenants are also considered.) If an exchange of debt instruments or modification of terms is accounted for as an extinguishment, any costs or fees incurred are recognised as part of the gain or loss on the extinguishment. If the exchange or modification is not accounted for as an extinguishment, any costs or fees incurred adjust the carrying amount of the liability and are amortised over the remaining term of the modified liability. Modifications of liabilities that do not result in extinguishment are accounted for as a change in estimate using a cumulative catch up method, with any gain or loss recognised in profit or loss. Offsetting financial instruments Financial assets and financial liabilities are offset and the net amount reported in the statement of financial position if, and only if, there is a currently enforceable legal right to offset the recognised amounts and there is an intention to settle on a net basis, or to realise the asset and settle the liability simultaneously. This is not generally the case with master netting agreements, and the related assets and liabilities are presented gross in the statement of financial position. Prepayments Prepayments are carried at cost less provision for impairment. A prepayment is classified as non- current when the goods or services relating to the prepayment are expected to be obtained after one year, or when the prepayment relates to an asset which will itself be classified as non-current upon initial recognition. Prepayments to acquire assets are transferred to the carrying amount of the asset once the Authority has obtained control of the asset and it is probable that future economic benefits associated with the asset will flow to the Authority. Other prepayments are written off to profit or loss when the goods or services relating to the prepayments are received. If there is an indication that the assets, goods or services relating to a prepayment will not be received, the carrying value of the prepayment is written down accordingly and a corresponding impairment loss is recognised in profit or loss. Provisions Provisions are recognised when the Authority has a present legal or constructive obligation as a result of past events, it is probable that an outflow of resources will be required to settle the obligation, and a reliable estimate of the amount can be made. Where the Authority expects a provision to be reimbursed, for example under an insurance contract, the reimbursement is recognised as a separate asset but only when the reimbursement is virtually certain. Non-current liabilities Non-current liabilities represent amounts that are due more than twelve months from the reporting date.