Cyprus Energy Regulatory Authority Annual Report 2021

128 Cyprus Energy Regulatory Authority impairment, based on changes in credit quality since initial recognition. A financial instrument that is not credit-impaired on initial recognition is classified in Stage 1. Financial assets in Stage 1 have their ECL measured at an amount equal to the portion of lifetime ECL that results from default events possible within the next 12 months or until contractual maturity, if shorter ("12 Months ECL"). If the Authority identifies a significant increase in credit risk ("SICR") since initial recognition, the asset is transferred to Stage 2 and its ECL is measured based on ECL on a lifetime basis, that is, up until contractual maturity but considering expected prepayments, if any ("Lifetime ECL"). Refer to note 6, Credit risk section, for a description of how the Authority determines when a SICR has occurred. If the Authority determines that a financial asset is credit-impaired, the asset is transferred to Stage 3 and its ECL is measured as a Lifetime ECL. The Authority's definition of credit impaired assets and definition of default is explained in note 6, Credit risk section. Additionally the Authority has decided to use the low credit risk assessment exemption for investment grade financial assets. Refer to note 6, Credit risk section for a description of how the Authority determines low credit risk financial assets. Financial assets - Reclassification Financial instruments are reclassified only when the business model for managing those assets changes. The reclassification has a prospective effect and takes place from the start of the first reporting period following the change. Financial assets - write-off Financial assets are written-off, in whole or in part, when the Authority exhausted all practical recovery efforts and has concluded that there is no reasonable expectation of recovery. The write-off represents a derecognition event. The Authority may write-off financial assets that are still subject to enforcement activity when the Authority seeks to recover amounts that are contractually due, however, there is no reasonable expectation of recovery. Financial assets - modification The Authority sometimes renegotiates or otherwise modifies the contractual terms of the financial assets. The Authority assesses whether the modification of contractual cash flows is substantial considering, among other, the following factors: any new contractual terms that substantially affect the risk profile of the asset (e.g. profit share or equity-based return), significant change in interest rate, change in the currency denomination, new collateral or credit enhancement that significantly affects the credit risk associated with the asset or a significant extension of a loan when the borrower is not in financial difficulties. If the modified terms are substantially different, the rights to cash flows from the original asset expire and the Authority derecognises the original financial asset and recognises a new asset at its fair value. The date of renegotiation is considered to be the date of initial recognition for subsequent impairment calculation purposes, including determining whether a SICR has occurred. The Authority also assesses whether the new loan or debt instrument meets the SPPI criterion. Any difference between the carrying amount of the original asset derecognised and fair value of the new substantially modified asset is recognised in profit or loss. In a situation where the renegotiation was driven by financial difficulties of the counterparty and inability to make the originally agreed payments, the Authority compares the original and revised expected cash flows to assets whether the risks and rewards of the asset are substantially different as a result of the contractual modification. If the risks and rewards do not change, the modified asset is not substantially different from the original asset and the modification does not result in derecognition. The Authority recalculates the gross carrying amount by discounting the modified contractual cash flows by the original effective interest rate, and recognises a modification gain or loss in profit or loss.