Zero Waste Cyprus - Intelligent monitoring and efficient waste reduction in Cyprus island

As part of the project’s actions, innovative supporting recycling infrastructures named Green Kiosks will be established in municipalities and communities throughout Cyprus, using funds provided by the EU Recovery and Resilience Facility. The Green Kiosks are small sorting centres for recyclable materials, aimed to facilitate citizens’ access to recycling, especially in remote and mountainous areas of Cyprus that are not served by any other collective system and/or licenced waste managers/collectors. The Green Kiosks are specially structured and covered areas that accept recyclable materials such as paper, plastic, glass and metal, as well as special material streams, including small electrical and electronic devices, batteries, light bulbs/lamps, cooking oil and other materials for reuse. Household recyclable materials are separated by the citizens according to their type into proper reusable bags, which they then deliver to the operator at the Green Kiosk located in their community. Recyclable materials, after being separated and processed at the Green Kiosk, are transferred to The project LIFE-IP CYzero WASTE «Intelligent monitoring and e cient waste reduction in Cyprus island» has a fundamental priority to prevent the creation of waste and to promote reusing and recycling of used materials.