National Strategy on Cyprus Diaspora 2023-2028

Do not forget that if Cyprus is lost, then your own roots will also be cut off and it will take a much harder struggle to survive among the populous peoples you live with. That is why, our Motherland and its beloved freedom must be a priority among the values that we should seek, both in our private and public lives. We all share a sacred duty - leadership and people, natives and expatriates - to vigorously fight for the liberation of our semi-occupied homeland. And let's not be intimidated by Attila's armament. God, through the sacred hymn of our Church, assures us that: “some glory in chariots, and some in horses: but we will glory in the name of the Lord our God. They are overthrown and fallen: but we have risen, and have been set upright” (Psalm 19, 8-9) With these burdensome but also optimistic thoughts, we cordially welcome the present edition, and we hope that God's love will soon permit us to savour the “delicious fruits” of our struggles for our muchdesired freedom. Supplicant before God Archbishop of Cyprus Georgios National Strategy on Cyprus Diaspora | 7