National Strategy on Cyprus Diaspora 2023-2028

National Strategy on Cyprus Diaspora | 5 Address by the President of the House of Representatives Cyprus Diaspora, the most vibrant and authentic part of our culture, functions as a "lung" abroad, since it has always been a dynamic and active part of the "body" of Cypriot Hellenism. Despite the adverse conditions that the first generations of Cypriot immigrants had to face in their host countries, and in spite of the spatial and temporal distance weighing on them since then, they have maintained unbreakable ties with their homeland and, at the same time, ingrained their love for Cyprus in the younger generations of expatriates. Moreover, in addition to their struggle to preserve their national and cultural identity while providing for their families, they have become active promoters of the interests of Cyprus abroad, tirelessly raising awareness for the Cyprus Problem, and acting as ambassadors of our national goals in important decisionmaking centres. As a result, they stand out as invaluable pillars of the foreign policy of the Republic of Cyprus. The revised National Strategy on Cyprus Diaspora – tangible proof of the paramount importance attributed by the Republic of Cyprus to the role of our Diaspora– aims to strengthen and deepen the relation of our expatriates, especially the youth, with Cyprus. Furthermore, it aims to adopt a policy that responds both to the various challenges that Cypriot expatriates experience in their countries of residence and activity, and to the role that the Republic of Cyprus is called upon to play within the new geostrategic framework of the Eastern Mediterranean region, as well as of Europe. This edition issued by the Office of the Presidential Commissioner is intended as an important guiding tool for the implementation of the revised National Strategy on Cyprus Diaspora by the relevant Governmental Authorities, as well as a means of awareness for anyone interested in the policies of the Republic of Cyprus towards its Diaspora. Annita Demetriou