National Strategy on Cyprus Diaspora 2023-2028

National Strategy on Cyprus Diaspora | 47 Epilogue The National Strategy, in addition to providing a clear political framework for action, demonstrates the importance that the Cyprus Government attaches to its Diaspora. The Centre-Diaspora relationship, as mentioned above, is a dynamic and two-way relationship based on mutual support and reciprocal communication. The revised National Strategy, as depicted in this document, is expected to yield the desired results and to respond to the challenges and demands of modern Cyprus Diaspora. Moreover, it will provide the foundations for enriching the actions of the Office of the Presidential Commissioner, of Diaspora federations and organisations and of the Republic of Cyprus in general. However, due to the constantly changing nature of the Diaspora and the particularities of each Cypriot community abroad, the implementation of the Strategy must take these particularities into account. At the same time, the National Strategy should be reviewed and adapted when circumstances require.