National Strategy on Cyprus Diaspora 2023-2028

46 | National Strategy on Cyprus Diaspora 6+1 Repatriates This last additional pillar concerns Cypriot expatriates from across the world who have returned or wish to return to their homeland. The Republic of Cyprus is always open and ready to welcome our Cypriot compatriots living abroad. Repatriated Cypriots bring with them experiences, skills, ideas and knowledge that they have acquired in their countries of residence. Therefore, by returning and becoming active in Cyprus, they can help and enrich the local society, economy and culture. The Republic of Cyprus is aware of the fact that in order to achieve the repatriation of Cypriot expatriates it is necessary, on the one hand, to maintain the unbreakable connection of the Diaspora with the Centre, and on the other hand, to prepare conditions in the interior so that their reintegration in the Cypriot society becomes smoother. The first part, that of the Centre-Diaspora connection, is pursued through the various actions that have been analysed above and which aim to keep our Diaspora, and especially the young generation, close to their roots. Additionally, the actions aimed at informing Cypriots of Diaspora about the political, social and economic framework that applies in Cyprus, as well as about any professional and investment opportunities that exist, are of particular importance. The second part, that of smooth reintegration, is linked to how accessible and comprehensive the repatriation procedures are. In this context, the Office of the Presidential Commissioner has prepared a complete and detailed Guide for Cyprus Diaspora and Repatriates, which lays out all the necessary facts and information that Cypriots of Diaspora should be aware of when deciding to repatriate. This Guide covers topics such as entry and stay procedures in Cyprus, medical treatment, work, tax framework, housing plans and education. Objectives: u Maintain the ties of repatriated Cypriots with their Cypriot identity. u Adopt measures and actions for the smooth repatriation of Cypriot expatriates in the society of Cyprus. u Enhance the means and ways, mainly through the use of technology, of informing them about the political, social and economic developments taking place in Cyprus. u Revise the Guide for Cyprus Diaspora and Repatriatesat regular intervals to reflect the current legal framework and procedures. The contact between us, Cypriot Repatriates and the Diaspora is essential. With our return and activity in Cyprus we have the opportunity to enrich the economy, culture and society. Currently, thanks to social media, the voice of Cypriots becomes even stronger. Cypriot repatriates are the bridge to Cypriots in every corner of the world and can promote abroad our national cause, our right to a reunited island. Kyriakos Tsolakis, Federation of Repatriated Cypriots “